Related Ships Reverse-Lookup

United Federation of Planets

U.F.P. and Starfleet

Subclass Ship Name Variant Registry Source Official Era
    Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Klingon Empire

Klingon Empire

Subclass Designation Ship Name Translation Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Romulan Star Empire

Romulan Star Empire

Subclass Designation Ship Name Translation Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Alternate Universes

Subclass Ship Name Registry Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Obsidian Order

Cardassian Union and Obsidian Order

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Bajoran Militia

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Borg Collective

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Ferengi Alliance

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

The Maquis

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

The Dominion

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Kazon Collective

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Gorn Defense Force

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Orion Syndicate

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Found 0 matching vessels in the database.

Tholian Assembly

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Vulcan Navy

Subclass Ship Name Source Official
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

Other Miscellaneous and
Non-Aligned Races/Organizations

Race Subclass Ship Name Source Official Era
Bibliography No
Found 1 matching vessels in the database.

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Star Trek Eaglemoss Magazines (Acrobat PDF Format)
Main Line | Specials Line | XL Line
| U.F.P. and Starfleet | Klingon Empire | Romulan Star Empire |
| Other Races |
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| Babylon Five | Space Battleship Yamato |

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